The Police Retirement System of St. Louis, Missouri

During the 5-day filing period for candidates to file for election to serve in the Active and Retiree positions for 3-year terms expiring on September 30, 2024, the only filers were the incumbents currently filling those positions.

Active Trustee Wallace K. Leopold and Retired Trustee Michael Frederick were the lone filers.  Under provisions of the Police Retirement System Trustees’ Manual, Section 3.09.4, “In the event only one qualified candidate for any Trustee office to be filled by election files a timely and valid Declaration of Candidacy, no election shall be conducted for that office and said candidate shall be certified by the Board as the elected candidate for that office.”

Therefore, no election ballots will be mailed for the positions with terms expiring on September 30, 2024, and Trustees Leopold and Frederick are declared elected to the Board of Trustees for 3-year terms.

 Congratulations to Trustees Leopold and Frederick for their continued service as members of the Board of Trustees.