The Police Retirement System of St. Louis, Missouri

At its July 28, 2021 meeting, the Board of Trustees of the Police Retirement System, In the Matter of Trustee Gary Wiegert, received the Report of the duly-appointed Hearing Officer who, based on evidence adduced at the Formal Hearing on July 1, 2021, reported Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law that Trustee Wiegert had violated multiple provisions of Chapter X of the Trustees' Manual, titled "Conduct of Trustees," and had failed to show cause why he should not be sanctioned for those violations.  After considering the Hearing Officer's Report, the Board voted to accept the Report and its findings and conclusions.  Upon approval of this Report, the Board determined that the appropriate sanction for this misconduct was removal.  The removal of Trustee Wiegert was approved by the Board with no dissenting votes.  The Board's Decision can be found by clicking on the link below.

In re Wiegert - Decision of Board of Trustees

Click on the link below for a Statement from the Chairman of the Board of Trustees concerning the Board's decision.

In re Wiegert - Statement of the Chairman of the Board